Saturday, October 1, 2011

Will I Ever Catch Up?!!

Wow! It feels like forever since I have updated our blog…actually its has been 12 weeks…YIKES! We seem to be busier than ever lately, Kennedy started Pre-school back in August. She absolutely loves it and the teachers are always raving about what a pleasure she is in class! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love that little girl she is constantly making us laugh with her story telling and is so much fun! 3 is an awesome age!!

Colton is growing like a weed. He will be 5 months this week…I feel like everytime I blink my eyes he is bigger and bigger. I wish I could slow him down a little. I’m not quite ready to let him grow up just yet! He loves playing with his feet, rolling around, grabbing at things and is even starting to inch worm around on the floor (Kennedy didn’t crawl until she was 10 months old…something is telling me, we won’t be that lucky with this little guy, LOL) He is weighing 16 pounds now and is the happiest baby ever!!! Kendal and I both agree we would have 2 more babies if it were a guarantee they would be just like him!

We have had no shortage of fun around here in the past few months and have plenty to look forward to! This weekend we are attempting camping again with a big group of friends. Camping with a 5 month old is probably a crazy idea, but we’ll see how it works out! Nana & Pa are coming to visit at the end of the month for Halloween!! And we just bought our plane tickets this week for Christmas… Kendal will only be able to be with us for a week but the kids and I will be in Ohio for an entire month and I CAN’T WAIT!!

After going through our camera, I am on picture overload…lol! SOOOO… is my attempt to catch everyone up on what we’ve been doing the past 3 months and I promise…I will get better about updating more often!!! Love to all!

I guess we will start off on 4th of July! We spent the 4th in Cleveland again this year! Kennedy LOVED the fireworks as usual and much to my surprise…Colton was fascinated with them too!

Uncle Bub and Lindsay

Our attempt at a family picture…LOL!

Watching fire Works with Cody & Lindsay

We went to Kiddie Park….

Kennedy was finally big enough to ride the roller coaster!

SHE LOVED IT! We went on 4 times

We went to the Dentist again! Another great checkup!

Grammy threw Kennedy a late princess birthday party

Complete with her own prince charmings

Honorary Princesses

Still hard to believe she is 3

We went to Put-In-Bay

An island of Lake Erie


We went to the fair!!

And we had a couple lazy days too!!

After 6 weeks, Kendal flew to Ohio and drove us all back home!

Just in time to Celebrate Daddy’s 31st Birthday!

We gave ourselves a challenge! We had to cook and eat at home for an entire month! We only broke the rules twiceSmile

Kendal and Kennedy surprised me by giving me the night off and they made dinner! Homemade Pizza…YUM!

Out for her nightly bike ride!

We took Colton to the Beach for the 1st time!

My Beach Babes!

Kennedy’s 1st Day of Pre-School!

Brian, Andrea & Sean came to visit us from D.C.

Kennedy and Sean on their ice cream date!

Our Big Boy! He is learning to hold his own bottle!

Probably the most exciting thing we’ve done all summer


Kennedy was in heaven the minute we arrived and Colton was such a trooper! He just hung on us the entire time!

Meeting her very 1st princess! Rapunzel!

Daddy surprised Kennedy with a special princess make over

Where she completely fell asleep...They even had to hold her head up for her! LOL!

She woke up a beautiful princess and couldn’t be happier!

After her makeover, we spent the rest of the day on a princess hunt! She was determined to meet as many princesses as possible!

Tiana, from princess and the frog



Meeting Belle was probably the most amazing part of the entire trip for her! Twirling their dresses together!!!!

Kisses from Sleeping Beauty!

Ariel, from The Little Mermaid


The week we went to Disney was one of their slowest weeks of the year! We never waited longer than 10 minutes for anything! We managed to ride every single kid friendly ride at Magic Kingdom, some we rode 2 and 3 times...this was one of her favorites!

Best Vacation EVER!

It’s Definitely football season around here, you can hear me screaming at the TV all the way down the street on Sundays!!

Go Browns!

This is what Colton does while Kennedy is at school and Mommy cleans…

The Flu Bug Swept through our house

And Grammy and Papa drove 12 hours just to surprise us!

When they rang the door bell, Kennedy went to the door, looked out the window and then said…”Mom, it’s Grammy and Papa” like it was no big deal…then after about 2 seconds she SCREAMED….ITS GRAMMY AND PAPA!! and was jumping up and down! Too Funny!

Playing games with Papa

Making dinner with Gram

Took my parents to a few new spots they hadn’t been before

Out to lunch

And of course, Sunday was spent watching the Browns WIN!

Dreaming of Touchdowns!!

About Me

Kendal and I have been married for 4 years.We have 2 gorgeous children, Kennedy and Colton, who are the center of our lives. We currently own a home in beautiful Charleston, Sc but with Kendal's career in the USAF things are always changing. We have decided to create this blog as a way to keep in touch with our friends and family who are unfortunately spread all over the U.S. and for our own personal memories! Enjoy!